Quoting from the end of my last post over three weeks ago -
"As busy as I've kept myself, there are still too many neglected WIPs in the basket. The two getting to me the most are my Sherlock blanket (so many awesome squares just begging to be knit) and my nieces' playmat (after such good progress starting out I have totally stalled over the past month)
I'm promising myself to give them both (along with my other WIPs) a little more attention before starting anything else new."
Soooooo that ended up being a lie. Mostly unintentional, but still...
Instead of doing either of those things I started two entirely new things. Whoops?
For a done-in-a-day project I sewed a WIP pouch using the easy-peasy idiot-proof tutorial here.
I wanted to make the most of the materials I had stashed, without wasting any or running short. This tutorial shows how to lay things out and where to sew them together, while leaving the exact measurements up to you. It might be a no-brainer for someone who sews a lot, but for a fraidy-cat beginner like me it was perfect! While I feel reasonably confident winging mods on my knitting, I'm not a great sewer and fabric still scares me a little.
I used the fabric leftovers from the two box bags I made a while back - used every bit of the lining, but I still have some of the outer fabric left over. I'm sure I'll find something to do with it (Pinterest is always good for finding ideas, even if it is a major time suck LOL) The zipper had been sitting in a drawer for as long as the fabric. I had bought it because I liked the color, but it was longer than I really wanted for those box bags. This style of pouch has a large opening, so I was able to use it and ended up trimming off only a small amount.
I wanted this pouch to coordinate with that box bag, but wasnt trying to just make a larger duplicate. I didn't make the corners stand up by themselves, but I did round them off to 'fancy it up' a little. I top stitched (I think that's the term?) by the zipper. Still not exactly straight, but I'm getting better!
Here's some pictures, the first including my box bag for size comparison. The new pouch is about 10x15 inches, pretty good sized for an average project.
I also started knitting a new project. Not something small either, another short sleeve cardi - the heathered hoodie vest. Well, it might be hooded when I finish, I'm undecided. I've seem some projects where people have replaced the hood with a 2x3 ribbed collar, and I'm considering doing the same.
I've had the pattern and yarn for this project since 2011, so it's not like I started on a whim BUT it definitely doesn't go along with my goal of wrapping up WIPs at all! That said, I'm glad to finally be working on it, and am looking forward to when it's finished and I can wear it. Starting it now means there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't have it done by fall, right? Right?! As of now I'm 2/3 of the way done with the back panel, moving right along.
Just a warning if you get the pattern from the Best of Knitscene book like I did - There is some very important errata you can find here. Four out of the six cable instructions were wrong, and I had to find out by looking through the comments, because it wasn't on the Rav main pattern page notes. Even though people in the comments had suggested it be added. Yeah, you can probably guess that irritated me a little. Still, I like the cardi so it's not like I'm going to let a few typos keep me down for long.
Oh, and then BFs nephew and I put some time into doing this knitting themed puzzle. I say we did it, but once the border was done, he pretty much was too. I couldn't walk by without putting a few pieces in though, so after a couple nights it was done. I developed a sock yarn crush on that green at the top. And the pink towards the middle. Yarn in puzzle form isn't nearly as much fun to pet though.
(Ignore the scrap of material on the gingerbread man bit,
I didn't realize it was there until after the puzzle was taken apart so no chance to resnap a pic)
The only attention my WIPs have gotten lately is the 5 inches I added to my gypsy scarf and the few leaves I've done on the embroidery project. Neither one is far enough along to even warrant updating pictures, so instead I'll (once again) close a post by promising myself to do better next time. Who knows, maybe this time I actually mean it!
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