And the winner for most inconsistent and unreliable posting schedule goes to ... Drumroll please ... Me!
If procrastination earned you a trophy, I'm pretty sure I'd have a cabinet full of them. Then again, maybe not. I'd have to get my act together and pick them up from procrastination headquarters, and when would I ever find the time with all my bouts of ... not really doing anything?
Instead of giving a project by project accounting of all I've been doing in the past four months - Has it been that long? Really self?? Really??? - I decided to go with a quick stat rundown of projects since my last post
Existing WIPs finished - ummmmm ... none. And I had been doing so well!
Existing WIPs worked on (which is half the battle!) - 4 - most happy that my Sherlock blanket has one new square and I'm halfway through a pattern I worked up for another.
WIPs frogged - 1 - one of the secret bag projects. It was a sock with a really cool looking beaded pattern, but when I finished knitting the first one I realized it was just Not Comfortable. I may adapt the pattern for a hat band or something though.
New projects started AND finished - 5 - it really helped that Christmas fell during my blog silence. Even with only knitting for a handful of special people, it did give me a firm deadline for those projects.
New projects started and then wandered off from - 1 - and I don't reeeeally count it. It's just a washcloth, and I needed something to grab and work on while sitting around waiting. It'll be there next time I need to sit around and wait to. Washcloths are good that way, they don't judge.
New hobbies picked up - 1 - got a pin loom for Christmas (to me, from me, with all the love in the world - me) I wanted to play at weaving and make some placemats/coasters whatever, but not get as serious as Actual Weaving with the giant loom and all. It's pretty fun, and like those washcloths is easy to pick up and put down so that's always nice to have waiting for you.
And that's basically it. I'm afraid I haven't been all that exciting lately, which made updating here easier and easier to push off. In keeping with the whole procrastination deal, I have made a couple craft related resolutions. A couple weeks late, of course.
First - to update here at least once a month. Even if no one is reading, it helps keep me on track. Plus, how hard can it be to find a little time once a month, right?
Second - to actually finish the giant playmat that I had hoped to this year. It is soooo far from done. This might be a strain, but I really would like to have it done for my nieces before they are grown and have kids of their own
Third - and this is more me being brave and putting myself out there, than actually being difficult - remember the mittens I made for a swap over a year ago? This year I am going to actually finish writing up that pattern with the tweaks I still want to make, and submit it to the Knit picks IDP program. Washington's screwy sales tax laws make it confusing to try and sell a pattern on my own, but if I go through KP they deal with that bit. I don't know if they'll take it, but it can't hurt to try.
Forth and final - end the year with under a dozen WIPs. You'd think this would be easy for me. You'd be wrong. Yes a dozen is a lot, but I am almost always above that. Even now - with the fourteen I have going right now - there are still a handful of patterns I am having to work really hard to resist casting on immediately.
So there are my, hopefully attainable, resolutions for the year. Wish me luck!
And it feels weird to have a post with no pictures, so I'll share one of the Christmas presents. The one I. Was most happy with - the dinosaur picked out by BFs nephew (pattern from Huge and Hugable Mochimochi)
As you can see, I had a little fun playing around with and posing with this guy before gifting. Even made him that pretend library book to go along with his look of terror -